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centos nfs配置--转载

发布时间:2021-01-20 17:06:22 所属栏目:Linux 来源:网络整理
导读:h2 class="title"http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/s1-nfs-client-config.html h2 class="title"18.6.?NFS Server Configuration There are three ways to configure an NFS server under Red Hat Enterprise Linux: using the ( )

  • option. This is mainly used in a clustered setup. Using a consistent filesystem ID in all clusters avoids having stale NFS filehandles.

  • NFS User Access


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  • To edit an existing NFS share,select the share from the list,and click the

    After clicking . The new configuration is written to .

    The configuration file. Thus,the file can be modified manually after using the tool,and the tool can be used after modifying the file manually (provided the file was modified with correct syntax).

    The next this section discusses manually editing and using the command to export NFS file systems.

    If you prefer editing configuration files using a text editor or if you do not have the X Window System installed,you can modify the configuration file directly.

    The file controls what directories the NFS server exports. Its format is as follows:

    directory hostname(options)

    The only option that needs to be specified is one of or ( is recommended). If is specified,the server does not reply to requests before the changes made by the request are written to the disk.

    For example,


    would allow users from to mount with the default read-only permissions,but,


    would allow users from to mount with read/write privileges.

    Refer to for an explanation of possible hostname formats.



